Saturday, November 06, 2010

Let's Play, Pants are Good, and what's to come for Wintendo.

Hey there everyone. I'm still chugging away at games. I'm pretty shit at posting, but, well, if you know me then you already know that. I'm getting ready to do a Let's Play of Super Alfred Chicken, and to help me get into that, I did a test LP on Megaman X's first level. Watch it here:

And please let me know what you think, either by commenting here or on the video. Feedback is much appreciated.Also, another thing I've been doing in the time between this one and the last post is my digital web comic. I created Pants are Good  in early October and haven't looked back. Here's the discription for PaG:
Pants are Good. Period. Full on spontaneity ensues. Humour can be tasteless sometimes. We don't apologize.
No. I don't. I never apologize. Have I ever apologized to you guys? What? Seriously? Oh, okay. I'm sorry I offended you. You can find PaG here and here, and can follow it on whichever site you want. :D Moving on!

Yes. Yes they are.

So what's to come of Wintendo, you ask? You didn't? Oh... Well, I'm going to tell you anyway! I'm going to play more SNES games, and review more SNES games. I'm going to stop promising and start trying to post more. Usually when I'm not posting, I'm not really that busy, I'm more of just cruising the internet for any old thing. D: So I've no real excuse. I'm also going to make a new template for the site, and it will probably be similar to my girlfriend Rho's blog, For Pew, Pews and Fail, which you can find by clicking that link. We're sister blogs, honest. So there you have it, this is what I'm planning and I hope some of you out there still listen to me. And if not, then, well. I don't blame you. :P

And remember, Mr. Pedo Bear if you're nasty.


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